Sharon’s Bookmarks Weblog

{October 13, 2009}   TV Theme: October edition

With the spooky Halloween season upon us, I have decided to feature Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s opening credits this month.

The sequence starts off with a classic howl at the moon and organ notes and then builds with a punk rock tune by Nerf Herder.  I like how the credits bring together the two elements of the horror genre (many of the visuals) and high school (the song’s youthful nature).  The song also provides a great background for demon fighting and vampire slaying.  In the sequence, there are graveyards, vampires, black cats, tarantulas, and bubbling caldrons shown, but this show wasn’t just about it’s creepy supernatural elements.  It had great emotions delivered through strong character writing and by talented actors.

Joss Whedon rules!

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