Sharon’s Bookmarks Weblog

{September 3, 2008}   Need a distraction?

This week’s site is one I visited often in college. (Probably when I should have been writing a paper.) Orisinal features easy to play games that can be very addictive. There’s only one thing… you’ll never beat the high scores listed. Even after playing and playing, I’ve never once got close!

What I love about the site is the soft, colorful graphics. It can be pretty and cute despite one game where if you make a mistake, one of your monkeys gets hit with a bomb. (The Three Monkeys) My all-time favorite game is Bubble Bees.

The site is always adding new games. Take some time (even if you should be doing something productive) to play and let me know what games you enjoyed!

margiemark says:

I forgot about that site! I haven’t been on there in so long… you got my addicted to that Bumble Bees game before. I’m going to have to check it out again. Are there new games?

sharonsbookmarks says:

Yep, there are a bunch of new games! One I like to play is Floats. I probably like it because it is similar to Bubble Bees.

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